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The AI Wars: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming Our Learning & Thinking
12:00PM - 1:00PM Thu 12 Dec 2024, Eastern timezoneJoin us for a Wharton Webinar Series with Professor Robert Meyer to learn how we can harness AI’s power while preserving our human ingenuity. -
Penn Club Leads Luncheon Development Group
2 days away
12:30PM - 1:30PM Fri 13 Dec 2024, Eastern timezoneWe invite you to be a part of the combined Penn Club and Wharton Club of New York Business Leads Luncheon Development Group! Interested alumni must be pre-approved to attend this lunch due to function-industry exclusivity. -
Business Development Group - Wednesday Evening
5:00PM - 7:00PM Wed 18 Dec 2024, Eastern timezone
Alumni are invited to join the Wednesday Business Development Group, a non-competitive group designed to share business leads that result in increased profits. Interested alumni must be pre-approved to attend due to function-industry exclusivity. -
Wharton Industry Exploration Program - Alumni-Student Reception
7:00PM - 9:00PM Mon 6 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
Hosted by the Wharton School, the Wharton Undergraduate Division invite you for a casual evening of connecting with current students and fellow alums in NYC with 40 current undergraduates participating in the Wharton Industry Exploration Program. -
Business Development Group - Monday Evening
6:00PM - 8:00PM Mon 13 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
Alumni are invited to join the Monday Business Development Group, a non-competitive group designed to share business leads that result in increased profits. Interested alumni must be pre-approved to attend due to function-industry exclusivity. -
Wharton Personal Investors Network (WPIN) Meeting
12:00PM - 1:00PM Tue 14 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
The Wharton Club of New York invites non professional retail investors to join the next meeting of the Wharton Personal Investors Network (WPIN). -
The Trilogy of Professional Selling: What They Didn’t Teach at Wharton and Penn
6:00PM - 8:00PM Wed 22 Jan 2025, Eastern timezone
Join the Wharton Entrepreneurs-Education and Resource Network (WE-EARN) with guest speaker Tom Oser, WG'03 as he shares his insights on how to sell ideas, negotiate effectively, and present persuasively whether you're an entrepreneur or executive.